Sunday, June 23, 2024

Cómo Vender en Amazon, eBay y Mercari: Guía Completa


Cómo Vender en Amazon, eBay y Mercari: Guía Completa


Hola, soy Daniel Motola, voluntario en SCORE. Hoy vamos a hablar sobre cómo vender en Amazon, eBay y Mercari. Si estás buscando ganar dinero extra, ser tu propio jefe, o simplemente aprovechar tu tiempo, esta guía es para ti.

¿Por Qué Vender en Línea?

Vender en línea ofrece múltiples beneficios:

  • Ganar dinero adicional
  • Ser tu propio jefe
  • Adquirir productos costosos con tus ganancias
  • Tener una actividad productiva
  • Generar ingresos extra

Requisitos Básicos

Para tener éxito en ventas en línea, necesitas:

  • Tiempo: Dedica el tiempo necesario para aprender y gestionar tus ventas.
  • Capacidad de Aprender: Las plataformas como Amazon, eBay y Mercari cambian constantemente; estar actualizado es clave.

Amazon: Cómo Empezar

  1. Crear una Cuenta: Regístrate en Amazon Seller Central.
  2. Elegir el Tipo de Cuenta:
    • Individual: Paga por cada venta.
    • Profesional: Paga una tarifa mensual fija.
  3. Envío y Logística: Utiliza Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) para que Amazon maneje el almacenamiento, empaque y envío de tus productos.

eBay: Guía Rápida

  1. Registro y Listado: Crea una cuenta en eBay y empieza a listar tus productos.
  2. Fotografía y Descripción:
    • Toma buenas fotos de tus productos.
    • Proporciona descripciones detalladas.
  3. Precio Competitivo: Fija precios que sean atractivos para los compradores.

Mercari: Lo Básico

  1. Registro: Crea una cuenta en Mercari.
  2. Listar Productos:
    • Sube fotos de tus productos.
    • Escribe descripciones claras y precisas.
  3. Promociones: Utiliza las promociones de Mercari para aumentar tus ventas.

Consejos Fiscales y Legales

  • Guardar Recibos: Mantén un registro de todas tus compras y ventas.
  • Consultar con un Contador: Asegúrate de cumplir con todas las regulaciones fiscales.


Vender en línea puede ser una excelente manera de ganar dinero extra, ya sea a tiempo completo o parcial. Decide tus objetivos, elige la plataforma adecuada y empieza a vender.

Recursos Adicionales

  • Canal de YouTube de Amazon: Aprende más sobre cómo vender en Amazon.
  • Foros y Blogs: Únete a comunidades de vendedores para intercambiar consejos y experiencias.

Monday, February 05, 2024

The Importance of AI Governance: Navigating the Ethical Landscape

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly evolved, becoming an integral part of various aspects of our lives. From healthcare and finance to education and entertainment, AI technologies offer immense potential to drive innovation and efficiency. However, as these technologies advance, the importance of AI governance becomes paramount. Establishing ethical guidelines, regulations, and frameworks is crucial to ensure responsible development, deployment, and use of AI. In this article, we explore the reasons why AI governance is essential in navigating the ethical landscape of AI.

1. Addressing Ethical Concerns

One of the primary reasons for implementing AI governance is to address ethical considerations associated with AI technologies. Algorithms can inadvertently perpetuate biases present in training data, leading to unfair outcomes. Governance frameworks help identify and mitigate biases, promoting the development of AI systems that treat individuals fairly and equitably.

2. Ensuring Transparency

Transparency is a cornerstone of trustworthy AI. Users and stakeholders should understand how AI systems make decisions, especially when those decisions impact individuals' lives. AI governance emphasizes transparency, requiring developers to provide insights into the decision-making processes of their algorithms. This transparency builds trust and allows users to comprehend the rationale behind AI-driven outcomes.

3. Regulation and Compliance

Implementing regulations specific to AI is essential to ensure that these technologies align with legal standards and societal norms. Regulations provide a framework for responsible AI development, setting boundaries to prevent misuse and potential harm. Compliance with these regulations is crucial for fostering a culture of accountability within the AI community.

4. Protecting Privacy 

AI often relies on vast amounts of data, raising concerns about privacy infringement. AI governance frameworks establish guidelines for the collection, storage, and use of personal data, safeguarding individuals' privacy rights. Striking a balance between data-driven innovation and privacy protection is a key objective of AI governance. 

5. Building Accountability

Determining responsibility in the event of errors or harm caused by AI systems is a critical aspect of governance. Clear accountability mechanisms ensure that developers, organizations, and other stakeholders are held responsible for the impact of their AI applications. This accountability promotes a culture of responsibility and encourages continuous improvement in AI systems.

6. Enhancing Security

As AI technologies become more pervasive, the need for robust security measures intensifies. Governance frameworks address security concerns, mitigating the risks of malicious use, hacking, or manipulation of AI algorithms and data. Protecting the integrity of AI systems is vital to maintaining public trust in these technologies.

7. International Collaboration

AI governance is not confined by national borders. International collaboration is crucial for establishing consistent global standards that transcend geographical boundaries. Collaborative efforts ensure a harmonized approach to AI governance, preventing fragmentation and enabling a unified response to the challenges posed by advanced AI technologies.


In conclusion, the importance of AI governance cannot be overstated. It is the linchpin that holds together the ethical fabric of AI development and deployment. By addressing ethical concerns, ensuring transparency, implementing regulations, protecting privacy, building accountability, enhancing security, and fostering international collaboration, AI governance sets the stage for a future where AI technologies are not only innovative but also responsible and beneficial to society as a whole. As we continue to embrace the transformative power of AI, robust governance frameworks will be the guiding force that navigates us through the evolving ethical landscape of artificial intelligence.

Books we recommend to read.

1. "Artificial Unintelligence: How Computers Misunderstand the World" by Meredith Broussard

This book critically examines the limitations and challenges of AI, shedding light on the societal implications and the need for responsible governance.

2. "AI Ethics" by Mark Coeckelbergh

Coeckelbergh explores the ethical dimensions of AI, addressing issues such as transparency, accountability, and the impact of AI on society.

3. "Rebooting AI: Building Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust" by Gary Marcus and Ernest Davis

The authors discuss the current state of AI, its limitations, and propose strategies for building more reliable and ethical AI systems.

4. "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power" by Shoshana Zuboff

While not solely focused on AI governance, this book provides a comprehensive examination of the impact of technology on privacy and society, offering insights into the broader context of governance challenges.

5. "Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics" edited by Vincent C. Müller

This collection of essays brings together perspectives from various experts on the ethical considerations surrounding AI and robotics.

6. "Robot Rules: Regulating Artificial Intelligence" by Jacob Turner

Turner discusses the legal and regulatory challenges associated with AI, offering insights into the governance frameworks needed to manage these technologies responsibly.

7. "Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans" by Melanie Mitchell

While exploring the capabilities of AI, Mitchell also discusses the societal and ethical implications, prompting readers to think critically about the role of governance in shaping AI's impact.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Preserving Memories Made Easy with SlideScan: Your Go-To App for Photo Slide Scanning

Official Website


In the ever-evolving world of technology, preserving precious memories has taken a leap forward with the SlideScan app by Photomyne. With a remarkable rating of 4.5, this AI-powered application offers a seamless solution for scanning and digitizing old photo slides, ensuring that cherished moments are not lost to the sands of time.

Scanning Process Made Simple

SlideScan simplifies the process of preserving old photo slides with its user-friendly interface. The app provides valuable tips for optimal scanning results, guiding users through each step. To start the scanning process, users are advised to set up a backlight source, hold the slide steady, and tap the capture button to initiate the scan using their phone's camera.

Automatic Enhancement and Correction

One of the standout features of SlideScan is its automatic detection, rotation, color enhancement, and cropping capabilities. Once a slide is scanned, the app takes charge, ensuring that the resulting digital photo is of the highest quality. This not only saves time but also guarantees that the memories captured in those slides are presented in their best light.

Enhance Scan Quality with Accessories

For users looking to elevate their scanning experience, SlideScan supports additional accessories such as a light pad and macro lens. These accessories can significantly improve the quality of scans, capturing even the finest details and nuances in each image.

Membership Plans for Enthusiasts

While the SlideScan app offers the convenience of scanning the first few slides for free, enthusiasts looking to digitize a larger collection can opt for a Membership plan. This optional plan provides additional scans, catering to those with extensive archives of photo slides.

Exceptional Customer Support

Recognizing that users may encounter challenges along the way, the SlideScan app assures its users of dedicated customer support. Users can contact the support team for assistance, ensuring a smooth and trouble-free experience.

iOS Voice Control Feature

SlideScan goes the extra mile by offering voice control functionality, although it's important to note that this feature is currently available exclusively for iOS users. This hands-free option adds an extra layer of convenience, allowing users to operate the app effortlessly.


Preserving memories has never been easier than with the SlideScan app by Photomyne. Its intuitive design, automatic enhancements, and compatibility with accessories make it a top choice for anyone looking to digitize their collection of old photo slides. With positive reviews attesting to its performance, SlideScan stands as a reliable companion in the journey of preserving and sharing cherished memories.

Official Website:

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Why is better than Three factors: Price, performance, and user interface

Why is better than Three factors: Price, performance, and user interface.


Leonardo AI offers a free platform where you get 250 credits per day, while Midjourney offers three tiers of packages starting from $10/month, $30/month, and $60/month, with the latter two providing unlimited generations[1]. However, some sources suggest that Leonardo AI also offers a monthly subscription starting at $12[9], and Midjourney offers an $8 per month yearly plan[11]. The choice between the two would depend on your usage and budget.


In terms of performance, Midjourney is noted to be more coherent and graphically more aesthetic[1]. However, Leonardo AI is built on top of stable diffusion, an open-source AI art generator, and offers more control and features[1]. It's also noted for its advanced features, customization options, and sleek design aesthetic[8]. Midjourney, on the other hand, is celebrated for its vibrant and intricate designs[8]. 

User Interface

Leonardo AI has a well-rounded user interface for stable diffusion[1]. Midjourney is accessed via Discord, which brings its own benefits and issues[1]. Leonardo AI operates through its own web app, featuring a custom design that enhances its brand value[11]. Midjourney's reliance on Discord for its services can present challenges for users unfamiliar with the platform[11].

In conclusion, both Leonardo AI and Midjourney have their own strengths and weaknesses. Leonardo AI stands out for its advanced features, customization options, and free platform, while Midjourney shines with its vibrant designs and high-quality graphics. The choice between the two ultimately comes down to your specific needs and preferences.



Wednesday, January 24, 2024

El Bibliotecario, Profesional de la Información, Especialista en Información y la Inteligencia Artificial: Cómo Sobrevivir en este Nuevo Mundo

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La evolución del bibliotecario en la era digital

Desde que las bibliotecas se convirtieron en guardianes del conocimiento, el papel del bibliotecario ha experimentado una constante adaptación a los cambios tecnológicos. La proliferación de grandes bibliotecas, especializaciones diversas y categorías ha sido paralela al desarrollo de tecnologías, herramientas y personal. Aunque la velocidad de este cambio no siempre ha coincidido con la de la sociedad, las bibliotecas han continuado su evolución, incorporando nuevas formas de acceder y transmitir el conocimiento en diversos formatos, a medida que la tecnología avanzaba.

En la actualidad, plataformas como, Barnes & Noble, y otras han acelerado la expansión del libro. Las bibliotecas, conscientes de este cambio, deben seguir adoptando nuevas formas de llegar a sus lectores. Ya cuentan con aplicaciones para teléfonos inteligentes, computadoras y tabletas, permitiendo acceso gratuito a libros digitales, audiolibros, películas y otros contenidos en línea. Este constante ajuste demuestra que las bibliotecas y los bibliotecarios no solo se adaptan al mundo circundante, sino que también anticipan y lideran la transformación hacia bibliotecas y bibliotecarios digitales.

La Relevancia Continua del Bibliotecario. Clasificación, descarte y organización en el mundo digital

El bibliotecario es más necesario que nunca en la tarea de clasificar, descartar y organizar la información actual. La famosa frase de George Santayana, "Aquellos que no recuerdan el pasado están condenados a repetirlo", adquiere nueva relevancia en el contexto digital. En los primeros años del siglo XXI, la llegada del buscador Google generó un debate sobre el futuro de las bibliotecas. Los bibliotecarios, experimentados en el uso de diversos buscadores y metabuscadores, expresaron la complejidad de organizar la información en el entorno digital.

Este debate persiste hoy, y los bibliotecarios han demostrado repetidamente su necesidad en un mundo cada vez más digitalizado. A pesar de los esfuerzos de grandes compañías por mejorar la organización de la información, persisten desafíos, como la elección de formatos y la calidad de las búsquedas. Ante la pregunta sobre si el mundo está preparado para la inteligencia artificial, surge la interrogante sobre la fiabilidad de la misma. Aunque herramientas como Google han mejorado, los errores persisten, llevándonos a cuestionar quién está detrás de la creación de la inteligencia artificial.

Desafíos y Oportunidades de la Inteligencia Artificial. Preparándose para el cambio

En este contexto, el bibliotecario debe estar preparado para aceptar el cambio y brindar asistencia efectiva a los usuarios. La inteligencia artificial ha irrumpido en nuestras vidas, proporcionando acceso instantáneo a grandes volúmenes de información. Aunque programas impulsados por inteligencia artificial pueden organizar datos según nuestras necesidades, no pueden reemplazar el componente humano y organizativo que poseen los bibliotecarios. Estas herramientas son valiosas para agilizar el trabajo y mejorar la eficiencia, pero deben considerarse como complemento y no como sustituto.

Es crucial evaluar la efectividad, seguridad y accesibilidad de las herramientas disponibles para las bibliotecas. Muchas de estas son de pago, aunque algunas ofrecen versiones gratuitas. En otro artículo se abordará detalladamente este aspecto.

Conclusión: El Futuro de las Bibliotecas y la Sociedad. Hacia el futuro

Aunque aún no estamos cerca de que las películas de ciencia ficción se hagan realidad, la coexistencia con la inteligencia artificial es una realidad. Las herramientas actuales deben ser utilizadas para el beneficio de la sociedad, siempre evaluando su eficacia y accesibilidad. La pregunta sobre si estas herramientas tienen el potencial de crear otras herramientas o si nos acercamos a un futuro sin trabajo es un tema fascinante y abierto a debate. La clave está en utilizar estas tecnologías para mejorar la sociedad y garantizar que estén disponibles para todos.

Aplicaciones Recomendadas para Bibliotecarios

- chatGPT



- invideo

- opus.clip

- heygen